TSA re-competing 3 agile team contracts worth $470M

The Transportation Security Administration is re-competing three contracts worth an estimated $470 million for agile teams to customize and integrate software and applications for various offices.
Each of the blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) covers offices within three Flexible Agile Scalable Teams (FAST) portfolios: enterprise support, human capital, and digital services and workflow collaboration.
TSA debuted FAST task orders in 2019 in an effort to lower development costs by using more commercial-off-the shelf software-as-a-service (SaaS) and platform-as-a-service solutions supporting agile.
“To achieve integration and customization of mission support systems and applications, TSA needs multiple agile teams in support of agile design, development, testing and adaptive maintenance activities,” read the performance work statements. “TSA is moving towards operations and maintenance (O&M) being part of the agile development lifecycle, in other words an approach that promotes the idea: If you build it, you own it.”
The BPAs will run 12 months with four 12-month options, and the enterprise support BPA is valued at $173 million, the human capital BPA at $187 million and the digital services and workflow collaboration BPA at $110 million.
Enterprise support includes offices delivering services and capabilities to other TSA customers like IT, Contracting and Procurement, Training and Development, Inspection, Acquisition Program Management, Security and Administrative Services, and Professional Responsibility.
Human capital covers the Human Capital Office with its mission to provide services and solutions in support of the transportation security workforce.
Increased demand for development in cloud-based or SaaS platforms led TSA to split the digital services and workflow collaboration FAST portfolio into its two parts, both supporting enterprise support offices. Digital services covers Salesforce and workflow collaboration SharePoint and Microsoft 365 development. The BPA will also eventually involve O&M for collaboration workflow projects.
Public comment on the draft request for proposals was due as 12 p.m. EST Monday, which TSA will now finalize and release.