Ryan Panchadsaram out as deputy U.S. CTO

As a presidential innovation fellow, Panchadsaram was brought onto Mikey Dickerson’s team, which fixed the botched rollout of Healthcare.gov.
Ryan Panchadsaram, a deputy chief technology officer for the U.S. government and one of the first members of the U.S. Digital Service, is stepping down from his position.
Administration sources tell FedScoop Panchadsaram will head back to San Francisco to spend more time with his family. Panchadsaram came to D.C. three years ago as part of the inaugural Presidential Innovation Fellows class, helping develop Blue Button for patients to view online and download their own personal health records.
From there, Panchadsaram was brought on board Mikey Dickerson’s team, which fixed the botched rollout of Healthcare.gov.
While at the White House, Panchadsaram helped form the U.S. Digital Services, the tech tiger team devoted to improving IT services across the federal government. He also helped implement President Barack Obama’s open data executive order, leading to a redesigned data.gov that unlocked federal data tied to health, energy, education, finance and climate issues.
Prior to public service, Panchadsaram was the head of customer and product at Ginger.io, a spin-off from MIT Media Lab aimed at using big data to transform health care. He also spent time working at Microsoft and Salesforce, working on user experience for Outlook for Mac and AppExchange.
It was not clear as of publishing time if Panchadsaram has another gig lined up in either the public or private sector, but administration sources tell FedScoop he will support the digital service teams’ recruiting efforts while in San Francisco.
FedScoop has also reached out to the White House about Panchadsaram’s successor. No comment as yet, but updates will be provided as they become available.