- The Daily Scoop Podcast
How Capitol Hill is monitoring cyber defense; White House effort to secure the supply chain
Jeff Rothblum is a senior professional staff member for the U.S. Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee and Cara Mumford is the Majority Subcommittee Director for the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Protection Subcommittee on the House Homeland Security Committee.
In a highlight from the CrowdStrike Government Summit, Mumford and Rothblum explain how their organizations are monitoring national cybersecurity defense.
As you’ve heard on The Daily Scoop Podcast, April is National Supply Chain Integrity Month. It’s a partnership between the National Counterintelligence and Security Center and partners across government and industry to raise awareness on the issue.
At the CrowdStrike Government Summit, Camille Stewart Gloster, deputy national cyber director for technology and ecosystem security at the White House, tells CrowdStrike’s Drew Bagley her organization’s mission.
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