Bart Miller on making software assurance central to cyber defense
Host Kevin Greene and guest Bart Miller discuss the Department of Homeland Security-funded Software Assurance Marketplace, known as SWAMP, and some of the challenges enterprises face in improving software assurance capabilities. Miller, who serves as chief scientist at SWAMP, also offers
recommendations on how federal agencies can better use software
assurance as a first line of defense.
Barton P. Miller is professor of computer sciences at the University of University of Wisconsin, Madison. He specializes in distributed and parallel program performance and tools,
binary code analysis and instrumentation,
computer security, scalable systems, operating systems, and software testing.

Kevin Greene
FedScoop’s latest podcast series, “Cybersecurity Insights & Perspectives” explores the latest news and developments in cybersecurity and information assurance affecting federal agencies, featuring some of the top commercial and academic research experts in the country.
Kevin Greene has more than 17 years of cybersecurity and information assurance experience. His contributions to FedScoop represent his own views and do not reflect the positions or policies of any federal agency. Follow him at @iamkevtorious.