- The Daily Scoop Podcast
Federal CIO Clare Martorana; Implementing the CX and cybersecurity pieces of the PMA
On today’s episode of The Daily Scoop Podcast, the soon-to-be-released fiscal 2023 budget request will align defense funding towards Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2).
Federal Chief Information Officer and Chair of the Technology Modernization Fund Board Clare Martorana joins the podcast to discuss the latest round of TMF awards to the Postal Regulatory Commission and the Selective Service System, changes underway at the Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer and what she’s seen after one year as Federal CIO.
Arlette Hart, master solution architect at Leidos and former chief information security officer at the FBI, breaks down the challenges government agencies face with implementing the customer experience and cybersecurity pieces of the President’s Management Agenda. This interview is underwritten by Leidos.
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