Trade group urges Congress to include funding for cybersecurity in infrastructure bill

The Professional Services Council (PSC) has written to lawmakers, urging them to include funding for cybersecurity and IT in President Biden’s proposed $2 trillion infrastructure bill.
In a letter sent on Friday to leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives, the trade body said it was “disappointed” that the administration had not requested additional funding to address cybersecurity or IT modernization for federal government and industry as part of the package.
“Given recent cyberattacks—including the SolarWinds breach of government infrastructure and the recent attacks on energy pipelines and water treatment facilities—and the President’s May 12, 2021, Executive Order on cybersecurity, the need for resources to adapt and operate securely in the continuously changing threat environment continues to grow,” the trade group said in its missive. “PSC and our member companies support funding to match these needs and requirements. This includes funding for CISA and the Technology Modernization Fund, as well as agency-specific funding to modernize outdated programs and legacy systems.”
PSC represents the government technology and professional services industry and has over 400 member companies.
In its letter to lawmakers, PSC called also for the bill to remove “nonvalue-added regulatory burdens” from government contractors through a focus on streamlined contracting and permitting processes.
The group also called for additional investment and funding for research and development through the new proposed legislation.
“PSC is hopeful that the Congress will continue to invest in and advance technologies that provide long-term solutions for U.S. economic competitiveness and national security, and to address how these investments will help federal agencies meet mission needs,” it said in the note.
Democrats and Republicans continue to negotiate over the American Jobs Plan after President Biden last month issued an initial $2.25 trillion proposal.
The GOP has since responded with a $568 billion infrastructure counteroffer, and last Friday the White House put forward a new $1.7 trillion offer, which settles for the $65 billion Republicans proposed for broadband funding and pares back funding for road and bridge construction.