Presidential Innovation Fellows 2022 cohort includes digital health specialists, angel investor

Three digital health specialists and an angel investor have been selected for the 2022 cohort of Presidential Innovation Fellows, the General Services Administration announced Monday.
Altin Ilirjani will work with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on a project to strengthen the agency’s engineering, big data analytics and interoperable systems. He holds a Ph.D. in political science, has worked at the World Bank, and has also taught at universities including Duke, the European University Institute and the London School of Economics.
Karin Underwood joins the Executive Office of the President as part of the program, after working at health startups and social enterprises, including most recently Verano Health. In addition, material engineer and biomedical scientist Stefany Holguin joins the Department of Veterans Affairs as part of the program to work on improving services for veterans.
Entrepreneur and angel investor Jeff Lee has also been selected to join GSA, where his work will focus on securing access to the provision of online government services.
GSA each year selects a cohort of corporate and technology leaders to undertake a one-year civic service fellowship, during which senior technologists are paired with top civil servants to help drive change and innovation across government.
The Presidential Innovation Fellows program has now spanned three presidencies. It was founded by the White House Office of Science and Technology in 2012 and is housed within Technology Transformation Services at GSA.
Commenting on the appointments, GSA Administrator Robin Carnahan said: “I’m confident that this diverse group will help agencies—now including CDC and FEMA—provide even more value to the people they serve.”
A full list of the 25 new fellows can be found here.