ODNI launches counterterrorism app for first responders

The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) has launched a new mobile application intended to give first responders and security professionals access to accurate information about ongoing incidents, including terrorist attacks.
The application delivers unclassified terrorism reports and alerts to responders’ phones, and will also provide reference training aids, mobilization indicators and vetted information. The new application, called aCTknowledge, will also publish insights from counterterrorism experts from across the federal government.
Government employees are able to download the app from the Apple App Store and then gain approval to use the service by entering their work email addresses. According to NCTC experts, the app in the future may be used to gather information from first responders working in the field.
The launch of the app is part of a continued push by the NCTC, which sits within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), to improve information-sharing between law enforcement agencies at the state and local levels. It was developed with help from a range of stakeholders including New Jersey State Police and the Las Vegas Police Department.
The NCTC was established at the recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and was given the responsibility for integrating governmentwide analysis, strategic planning, and information sharing—through the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act—with state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal partners.
NCTC Director Christy Abizaid said: “With the release of aCTknowledge, NCTC is delivering on our mission to innovate how we share intelligence products with our partners. The app empowers its users with the information they need to protect their communities from potential threats.”