NSA contractor arrested, charged with stealing top-secret info

The FBI secretly arrested a Booz Allen Hamilton contractor in August on suspicion of stealing tools used by the National Security Agency to break into foreign governments.
Harold Thomas Martin III, age 51, of Glen Burnie, Md., has been charged with theft of government property and unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials by a government employee or contractor.
The New York Times first reported the arrest.
Authorities raided Martin’s house on Aug. 29 to find documents and digital information stored on various devices and removable digital media. A large percentage of the materials recovered from Martin’s residence and vehicle indicated the info was highly classified government information, including Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information.
In addition, investigators located property of the United States with an aggregate value in excess of $1,000, which Martin allegedly stole.
It’s unclear exactly what information Martin was found to possess, but the arrest lines up shortly after the disclosure of exploits supposedly stolen from an elite team of NSA-affiliated hackers.
This story will be updated.