NASA Chief Technology Officer for IT Chris Kemp announced he is stepping down in his role and “leaving the place I dreamed of working as a kid to find a garage in Palo Alto to do what I love.”
In a blog post on NASA.gov, Kemp said:
“What an incredible experience the past five years has been. When I joined NASA, I was in awe of how much potential the organization had to inspire people. My first role at NASA was helping catalyze public-private partnerships and commercialization of NASA data. I had the opportunity to help finalize an incredible collaboration with Google that aimed to “Bring Space Exploration Down to Earth” by making vast sums of NASA information accessible in Google Earth… using Space Act authority to ensure taxpayers were not footing the bill. Microsoft had a new platform called World Wide Telescope, so we launched a collaboration with Microsoft to enrich their platform with NASA data as well. As CIO of Ames, I had the opportunity to lead the implementation of NASA’s Agency-wide Security Operations Center, launch NASA’s Nebula Cloud Computing project, and host the launch of Apps.gov and the White House cloud computing strategy. Perhaps the most exciting experience was working with the Space Operations Mission Directorate on an “astronaut manual” to take Photosynth images of the International Space Station. And there are dozens of other experiences of which I am incredibly proud.”
Kemp joined NASA Ames in 2006 as Director of Strategic Business Development. He served as Chief Information Officer for NASA Ames from 2008 through April 2010, when he was appointed NASA CTO of IT. Prior to joining NASA, he was CEO & President of Escapia and Chief Architect at Classmates.com.
Kemp speaking at FedTalks 2010 on innovation and government: