NASA is looking for its next group of astronauts

NASA will put applicants through a rigorous process before sending them into space. (NASA)
If you ever considered outer space as your dream job, now is the time to throw your hat in the ring.
NASA’s astronaut candidate application website went live Monday, giving qualified members of the public a chance to join the ranks of those who will be working above the stratosphere. The process will be a lengthy one — selections aren’t announced until mid-2017. Candidates will work on at least some of the following NASA programs: the International Space Station, the Orion deep-space exploration vehicle or two commercial crew spacecraft currently in development.
Before you write yourself off, the agency says it’s looking for candidates from a variety of talent pools, including engineers, scientists and physicians. NASA says there are more than 3 million people on LinkedIn who have the minimum skills necessary to apply for the job.
“NASA is on an ambitious journey to Mars and we’re looking for talented men and women from diverse backgrounds and every walk of life to help get us there,” NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said.
Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, biological science, physical science, computer science or mathematics, as well as at least three years of experience in their accredited field or at least 1,000 hours of pilot-in-command time in jet aircraft.
Applicants will also have to pass NASA’s long-duration astronaut physical, which includes meeting requirements to fit in a spacesuit and having 20/20 vision.
NASA is accepting applications until Feb. 18, 2016, on
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