Former e-gov administrator Karen Evans, the Federal CIO before such a title existed, once told me that retirement to her meant she could now work exclusively on the projects she wanted with the people she wanted. For Evans, that meant focusing on cybersecurity issues with like-minded people at the U.S. Cyber Challenge.
I’ve kept that in mind while watching Vivek Kundra find what he wants to do after life at the White House. After such a prestigious position, it’s hard to comprehend what to do for a follow-up act – kind of like the kid who played Harry Potter. Whatever he does now, he’ll always be Harry Potter and will likely never top that, but also has the freedom to select future projects close to heart.
It’s kind of the same with Kundra. Whether he went to academia, the private sector, a non-profit or back into government, it’s hard to imagine him doing something with a larger impact than his days at 1600 Pennsylvania. Only four months at Harvard, it appears Kundra is either still trying to figure that what he wants his career to look post-White House or Salesforce.com just made a killer offer. Either way, we wish him the best on whatever he chooses and look forward to seeing him around the Beltway …
DoD announces energy potential study …
Government reform at Treasury …
Obama Speaks to Volunteers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kU0W61QftM&feature=uploademail
The First Lady and iCarly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4yXtv0JblI&feature=player_embedded
David Stegon knows Daniel Radcliffe is the kid who played Harry Potter. The MorningScoop posts each morning at 6 a.m. with news from around the federal government. Submit news items to David at david.stegon@fedscoop.com. Follow him on Twitter (@davidstegon) and check back to FedScoop.com for regular updates throughout the day.