JADC2 implementation plan sent to DOD deputy secretary for approval

The cross-functional team working on one of the Department of Defense’s top modernization priorities has sent a draft of their implementation plan to the deputy secretary of defense for her approval.
The Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) implementation plan comes after its strategy was signed by the secretary of defense in May. The plan outlines how the department will turn it strategy of integrating networks, data and operations from air, land, sea, space and cyberspace through new technologies and concepts of operations.
The document has been in the works for months and will provide a blueprint for how the JADC2 strategy is enacted.
The news was told to FedScoop by Charleen Laughlin, deputy of the JADC2 cross-functional team (CFT) and director of the division that oversees the CFT. In an interview, she said the plan is on Deputy Secretary Kathleen Hicks’ desk awaiting signature. Hicks oversees the CFT and is the chief operating officer for the department with the power to mandate work on JADC2 to different services.
A spokesperson for Hicks declined to comment.
In addition to her role as deputy of the JADC2 CFT, Laughlin now oversees the new JADC2 division at the Joint Staff’s J-6. The J-6 is designated to oversee the JADC2 cross-functional team.
The division was recently stood up to oversee administrative matters for the CFT and to work on its coordination across the department.
The strategy the implementation plan stems from encompasses both tech- and human-centered goals. Its five lines of effort the CFT is working to implement include: data, human enterprise, technology, nuclear command and control and building a mission partner environment.