IRS wants to collect back taxes by mobile app

The IRS is looking to deploy new mobile solutions to assist with tax collections.
In a request for information posted Thursday, the agency detailed its plans to provide field revenue officers with a new slate of smart device-based apps to accept electronic tax payments.
Field revenue officers are tasked with collecting back taxes from businesses and individuals the IRS identifies as owing the government additional payments, usually in excess of $100,000.
The request calls for information about mobile applications, low-frequency beacons, electronic payment devices and other potential solutions those officers could use to securely obtain electronic payments while in the field.
The agency calls for details about potential iOS- and Android-compatible technology on the market that could document and report transactions, scan credit card payments, encrypt personally identifiable information, provide instant receipts and meet a number of other technical and operational requirements. The apps would also need to be able to operate in low-cellular signal environments, and offer payment verification capabilities, and potentially navigation and weather reporting options.
Interested stakeholders have until March 21 to submit responses.