GSA welcomes nominations for advisory committee focused on federal transparency efforts

The General Services Administration said Friday that it is soliciting nominations across the private and public sectors for an Open Government Federal Advisory Committee that will work to create, implement and monitor the Open Government National Action Plan and other relevant commitments.
In addition to work on the action plan, which centers on transparency and public access to information and research pertaining to the federal government, the committee will advise the GSA’s administrator on open government issues, challenges and opportunities that emerge in order to support the agency’s open government secretariat.
“The OG FAC will allow GSA to tackle emerging open government issues, challenges, and opportunities through expert advice from these stakeholders,” Krystal Brumfield, GSA’s associate administrator for government-wide policy, said in a press release. “We look forward to receiving innovative suggestions on the development of the sixth Open Government National Action Plan as well as other efforts to strengthen open government policy and public engagement.”
The committee, as outlined in a Federal Register post, will consist of between 10 and 20 federal and non-federal members that possess “strong background and expertise” in open government and improving government delivery services. Outside of federal agency officials, the committee is open to nominees from state and local government, industry and academia.
The post lists background themes to include anti-corruption, digital governance, gender and inclusion, media freedom, public participation and more.
The GSA said the OG FAC will meet “at least four times per year” and the convenings will be open to the public unless otherwise determined by appropriate authorities.
Additionally, the agency’s open government secretariat is set to host a public session in May to field questions regarding the selection process and timeline.