GSA seeks fresh expertise to help improve transparency around IT spending

The General Services Administration is interested in contracting personnel capable of providing better information on federal IT spending through data analysis, according to a request for information (RFI) issued Thursday.
IT experts sought would support GSA‘s category management, technology business management (TBM), data center optimization and acquisition efforts.
Within GSA the Office of Government-wide Policy’s TBM Program Management Office (PMO) works to improve transparency around IT spending and management data, although the agency envisions any contract that comes out of the RFI benefitting multiple PMOs, Federal Executive Councils and government initiatives.
“Congress and taxpayers have long pressed for better information about how federal IT dollars are spent and managed,” reads the RFI. “Using industry best practices, the federal government has an opportunity to run IT like a business by leveraging authoritative data to make data-driven decisions and analyze tradeoffs between cost, quality and value.”
Also involved with the RFI are the OGP Data Center and Cloud Optimization Initiative PMO, Federal Acquisition Services IT Management Vendor Management Office and potentially other projects identified in the President’s Management Agenda or Cross-Agency Priority Goals.
GSA wants to know if there are interested companies in six support areas:
- program and project management support,
- customer assistance services and related support services,
- strategic planning,
- data analytics,
- training, and
- services in support of the Executive Councils.
Customer assistance support will include specialized IT subject matter, communications and outreach, and website content management work, while the Executive Councils seek technology and process improvement pilots.
Interested companies have until Aug. 19 to submit questions about the RFI and Aug. 31 to respond.