Gov Actually Episode 10: ‘What have we learned?’

What better time to recap the past few months of Gov Actually and the transitions underway in the federal government than with the podcast’s tenth episode?
“We started this podcast right before the election, and the inspiration was that a lot of the talk in the atmosphere was about politics, and no one was really talking about it through the government lens, through the perspective of the government worker, because all of this change is coming,” co-host Danny Werfel says in this episode. “We’re at a time now where we can look back and say, ‘What have we learned, what were we right about, what were we wrong about?'”
While the presidential transition in many ways lingers — namely in that several key Cabinet- and senior-level positions still haven’t been filled — this episode dives into the progress made since Jan. 20, and how we got here.
During the first nine episodes, Werfel, co-host Dan Tangherlini and their guests “arrived at some fundamental principles that hopefully anyone coming into these positions, regardless of who won, would really take as kind of central tenants of how you succeed particularly in delivering government services — and there’s something unique and special and needs to be respected in the way government delivers things,” Tangherlini posits in episode 10.
This is just the beginning, of course, of the new administration and the many changes that it will undoubtedly bring. Likewise, it’s just the beginning for Gov Actually. Dan and Danny discuss on this episode their vision for the future, ideas they hope to explore and where they’ll take it next.
Hear that and more on the latest episode of Gov Actually, and catch all of the episodes on iTunes and SoundCloud.
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