Here is a breakdown of the funding allocated to the different federal agencies in the FY2013 budget President Obama submitted to Congress on Monday. All of the amounts and information come directly from the budget.
Department of Agriculture
- Provides $23 billion in discretionary funding, a decrease of nearly 3 percent or almost $700 million, below the 2012 enacted level.
- Reduces the deficit by $32 billion over 10 years by eliminating direct farm payments, decreasing subsidies to crop insurance companies, and better targeting conservation funding for high priority areas.
- Invests $6.1 billion in renewable and clean energy and environmental improvements to spur the creation of high-value jobs, make America more energy independent, and drive global competitiveness in the sector.
Department of Commerce
- Provides $8 billion for Commerce programs through regular appropriations, an increase of 5 percent, or approximately $380 million above the 2012 level.
- Provides over $5 billion for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, an increase of approximately $160 million, to support critical weather and climate satellite programs and the agency’s core responsibilities for environmental science and stewardship, including implementation of the National Ocean Policy.
- Provides over $10 billion of mandatory budget resources to help build an interoperable public safety broadband network that will strengthen economic growth and public safety, while benefitting from commercial innovation.
Department of Defense
- Provides $525.4 billion in discretionary funding for the base Department of Defense budget, a decrease of 1 percent, or $5.1 billion, below the 2012 enacted level. This will provide the necessary resources to implement the President’s new defense strategy, keep our military the finest in the world by investing in priorities, and help achieve $486.9 billion in savings by 2021.
- Invests in long-term scientific and technological innovation to ensure that the Nation has access to the best defense systems available in the world. High-priority research and development areas include: advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, and autonomous systems.
- Continues to focus on acquisition reforms and management efficiencies, such as the consolidation of numerous data centers, to achieve savings.
National Intelligence Program
- Provides $52.6 billion in discretionary funding. This funding supports our national security goals and reflects a deliberative process to focus funding on the most critical capabilities, curtail personnel growth, and invest in more efficient information technology solutions.
- Enhances cybersecurity capabilities to help protect Federal networks, critical infrastructure, and America’s economy while improving the security of intelligence networks against intrusion and counterintelligence threats.
Overseas Contingency Operations
- Provides $96.7 billion in unified Defense, State, and USAID funding for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), a reduction of 24 percent below the 2012 enacted level.
- Caps OCO spending through 2021 at $450 billion, which allows year-by-year flexibility for the Administration to respond effectively to changing circumstances on the ground, and which prevents the use of OCO funding as a way around discretionary caps.
- Provides $88.5 billion for the Department of Defense, of which $85.6 billion is for Operation Enduring Freedom and $2.9 billion is for activities related to Iraq, primarily the repair and replacement of damaged equipment and the operation of the Office of Security Cooperation- Iraq.
- Provides $8.2 billion for Department of State and USAID OCO activities, of which $3.3 billion is for Afghanistan, $1.0 billion is for Pakistan, and $4.0 billion is for Iraq.
Department of Education
- Provides $69.8 billion in discretionary spending, which is 2.5 percent, or $1.7 billion, above the 2012 enacted level. This request builds on the significant gains already made through Race to the Top and other Administration initiatives. It safeguards increases in major K-12 reform programs and funds new efforts to improve college access, affordability, and quality to help reach the President’s college completion goal.
- Spurs comprehensive reform at the State and local level by providing $850 million for Race to the Top and $100 million for Promise Neighborhoods, two signature reform initiatives.
- Invests $1.1 billion in a reauthorized Career and Technical Education program, that will prepare students for the future by aligning what they learn in school with the demands of 21st Century jobs. The Budget also provides support for establishing new highly-effective career academies.
Department of Energy
- Provides $27.2 billion in discretionary funds, a 3.2 percent increase above the 2012 enacted level. This request includes increased funding for priority areas such as clean energy, research and development to spur innovation, and advanced manufacturing.
- Promotes basic research through $5 billion in funding to the Office of Science.
- Continues investments to maintain a safe, secure, and effective nuclear weapons stockpile in support of the planned decrease in deployed U.S. and Russian weapons under the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
Department of Health and Human Services
- Provides $76.4 billion, or $0.3 billion above the 2012 funding level. The Budget maintains investments in Administration priorities such as Affordable Care Act implementation and Head Start.
- Supports innovative medical research by maintaining funding for the National Institutes of Health at $31 billion while implementing new grant management policies to increase the number of new research grants awarded and continue to focus resources for first-time grantees.
- Strengthens Medicare, Medicaid, and other health programs by implementing payment innovations and other reforms that encourage high-quality and efficient care, improve program integrity, and preserve the fundamental compact with seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low-income Americans these programs represent. These improvements will save approximately $364 billion over the next decade.
Department of Homeland Security
- Provides $39.5 billion, a decrease of 0.5 percent or $191 million, below the 2012 enacted level. The Budget continues strong investments in core homeland security functions such as the prevention of terrorist attacks, border security, aviation security, disaster preparedness, and cybersecurity.
- Makes $853 million in cuts to administrative categories including travel, overtime, and fleet management, and eliminates duplicative and low-priority programs.
- Supports the recovery of States and communities that have been devastated by disasters and emergencies with $6.1 billion for FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, which includes $5.5 billion in disaster relief cap adjustments pursuant to the designation established in the Budget Control Act.
Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Provides $44.8 billion, an increase of 3.2 percent, or $1.4 billion, above the 2012 program funding level. Increases are made to protect vulnerable families, revitalize distressed neighborhoods, and advance investments in sustainable development.
- Invests $2.3 billion to continue progress toward the Administration’s goal to end chronic homelessness and homelessness among veterans and families, implementing an innovative, multi-agency strategic plan.
- Revitalizes affordable rental housing and surrounding neighborhoods by providing $150 million to continue the Department’s transformative investments in high-poverty neighborhoods where distressed HUD-assisted public and privately owned housing is located.
Department of the Interior
- Provides $11.4 billion in discretionary funding, an increase of about one percent above the 2012 enacted level.
- Invests $386 million to strengthen oversight of offshore oil and gas operations so that energy development can proceed in a safe and sustainable manner.
- Saves over $200 million from 2010 levels through administrative efficiencies and reduced spending in travel, printing, supplies, and advisory services.
Department of Justice
- Provides $27.1 billion in discretionary funding, a decrease of 0.4 percent below the 2012 level.
- Invests more than $700 million to investigate and prosecute financial crimes, an increase of $55 million over 2012.
- Increases funding for the investigation and deterrence of intellectual property crime by $5 million for additional attorneys and FBI agents, bringing total spending to nearly $40 million annually.
Department of Labor
- Provides $12 billion in discretionary funding, a slight reduction from the comparable 2012 level. The Budget continues critical investments in job training and resources for job seekers. It also includes savings from administrative efficiencies, consolidation of regional offices, and the elimination of overlapping job training programs.
- Improves access to services for workers and job-seekers and invests $125 million in a competitive Workforce Innovation Fund in the Departments of Labor and Education to engage States and localities in identifying better ways of delivering services, breaking down program silos, and paying providers for success.
Department of State and Other International Programs
- Provides $51.6 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), an increase of 1.6 percent, or $0.8 billion over the 2012 enacted level when including Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) resources.
- State Department and USAID OCO programs are described along with Department of Defense OCO programs in a separate chapter on OCO resources. OCO funding is also shown in this chapter in order to provide a more complete picture of total State Department and USAID resources.
- Provides $2.9 billion to the Department of the Treasury for U.S. international commitments to the multilateral development banks and bilateral debt relief, supporting poverty reduction, economic growth, and U.S. national security.
Department of Transportation
- Invests a total of $74 billion in discretionary and mandatory budgetary resources for the Department of Transportation, an increase of 2 percent, or $1.4 billion, above the 2012 enacted level.
- Jump starts job creation in 2012 with $50 billion in immediate investments to support critical infrastructure projects, improving America’s roads, bridges, transit systems, border crossings, railways, and runways.
- Proposes an urgently needed six-year, $476 billion surface reauthorization plan to modernize the country’s transportation infrastructure, and pave the way for long-term economic growth.
Department of the Treasury
- Provides $14 billion in total budgetary resources, including program integrity funding, for Treasury programs, a reduction of 2.7 percent below the 2012 enacted level when IRS funding is excluded. Overall, the Department’s budget increases by 6.9 percent, including investments in robust IRS tax enforcement and compliance initiatives that can return $5 for each dollar spent.
- Saves over $100 million through reduced administrative costs and efficiency initiatives.
- Proposes debt collection legislative reforms to increase collections over the next 10 years from individuals and businesses that have failed to pay taxes or repay Government loans.
Department of Veterans Affairs
- Continues historic levels of support to veterans and their families by providing $64 billion, a 4.5 percent increase over the 2012 enacted level, to allow the Department to deliver on its promise to care for veterans and their families while working to improve efficiency in a constrained fiscal environment.
- Provides $32.7 million to help provide veterans a seamless transition from active duty to civilian life, through veteran employment and education counselors.
Army Corps of Engineers
- Provides $4.7 billion, a 5.4 percent decrease from the 2012 enacted level. The Budget achieves savings by prioritizing investments that will yield high economic and environmental returns or address a significant risk to public safety.
Environmental Protection Agency
- Provides $8.3 billion, a decrease of 1.2 percent, or $105 million, below the 2012 enacted level. Funding is increased for priorities, such as the agency’s operating budget, which includes funds for the enforcement of environmental and public health protections, and for grants to States and Tribes.
- Provides $17.7 billion, a decrease of 0.3 percent, or $59 million, below the 2012 enacted level. While making difficult choices, the Budget builds on our existing space infrastructure, contin- ues efforts to streamline agency operations, and preserves innovative capabilities and tech- nologies to sustain American leadership in space.
- Leverages a Federal investment of $830 million and private sector investment and ingenuity to develop a U.S. capability to transport crews into space, thereby eliminating our dependence on foreign capabilities in this area.
- Provides $1.8 billion for research and a robust fleet of Earth observation spacecraft to strengthen U.S. leadership in the field, better understand climate change, improve future disaster predictions, and provide vital environmental data to Federal, State, and local policymakers.
National Science Foundation
- Provides $7.4 billion for the National Science Foundation, which is $340 million above the 2012 enacted level. Investments are made in research priorities and savings of $66 million are realized through terminations and reductions in lower-priority programs.
- Maintains the President’s commitment to double funding for key basic research agencies, including a robust 5 percent increase over the 2012 enacted level for NSF.
Small Business Administration
- Provides $949 million, an increase of 3 percent, or $32 million, above the 2012 enacted level. The Budget includes increased funding for initiatives that will create jobs in America’s small businesses, while making tough choices that achieve savings in reductions to select technical assistance activities. In addition, $167 million is provided for the Disaster Loans Program that will be designated as being for disaster relief under the Budget Control Act’s cap adjustment.
- Supports $26 billion in loan guarantees for small businesses to enable them to invest, expand, and create jobs.
Social Security Administration
- Provides $11.7 billion in discretionary funding, a slight increase over the 2012 level, to maintain core services to workers, retirees, survivors, and people with disabilities.