
FedScoop Interview: Census CIO Brian McGrath

U.S. Census Bureau Chief Information Officer Brian McGrath sat down with FedScoop Radio to discuss a number of current projects he is working on.

On the Census Bureau’s approach to cloud computing:

“We’ve got a dual approach to our cloud strategy, leveraging both the public cloud as well as the private cloud. In the public cloud space we have about 12 initiatives where we’re leveraging publicly provided infrastructure to support our compute and storage requirements, most prominently were leveraging the Akami Content Delivery Network to provide edge caching capability for our publicly facing websites.”


On best practices for moving to the cloud:

“In the public cloud space, one of the key ingredients has to make sure you have the appropriate contract vehicle in place and service level agreements with your cloud provider so that you are managing the expectations for both parties and there is a common understanding of the service and capabilities that will be delivered. From the private cloud perspective, a lot of the tenants stay true, but what we’re leveraging for our private cloud is the ability to rapidly provision compute and store resources in an efficient manner.”


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