The Department of Transportation launched a redesigned version of its website.
“I have said many times that this is not your grandfather’s DOT,” Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said. “I’m happy to say that we now have a www.dot.gov that proves it.”
LaHood said the new site has three main goals:
- To help you find what you need as easily as possible. That’s why we’ve divided content along audience lines. So, whether you’re an individual seeking consumer information or one of our partners looking for guidance, we’ve got you covered.
- To make the most popular resources more accessible. Along the left side of the new page, you’ll find “Top Requests,” a handy catalog of the website activities most often sought by dot.gov visitors. If you’re a veteran seeking a transportation-related job, this is the place to find information. If you’re shopping for a car and are searching for vehicle safety ratings, look no further. And if you’re working in transportation planning and are curious about how the new transportation law will affect your projects, we’ve got the answers.
- To arrange our resources in line with how you think about transportation. As you probably know, the work of DOT is performed by different Operating Administrations like the Federal Transit Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and others. But most people don’t think about operating administrations —they think about trucks, buses or airplanes. And that’s why we’ve added 10 different buttons corresponding to different modes of transportation. Interested in Waterways? There’s a button for that.