
Caroline Nihill

Caroline Nihill is a reporter for FedScoop in Washington, D.C., covering federal IT. Her reporting has included the tracking of artificial intelligence governance from the White House and Congress, as well as modernization efforts across the federal government. Caroline was previously an editorial fellow for Scoop News Group, writing for FedScoop, StateScoop, CyberScoop, EdScoop and DefenseScoop. She earned her bachelor’s in media and journalism from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill after transferring from the University of Mississippi.

Articles by Author

TTS Director Ann Lewis holds a microphone and sits in a white chair on stage at Scoop News group's CyberTalks in Washington. She is joined by GDIT's vice president of cyber, Matthew Mcfadden, and Scoop News Group's senior vice president of content strategy, Wyatt Kash, who are also seated.
Director of the General Services Administration’s Technology Transformation Services Ann Lewis speaks on a panel titled “Protecting Consumers in the Digital Age: Government’s Role” at CyberTalks 2023 in Washington. (Photo by EPNAC)

GSA sees uptick in registrants for AI training series
