Artie Chin installed as first Federal Highway Administration CTO

The Department of Transportation has appointed Artie Chin as the first chief technology officer of the Federal Highway Administration.
Chin was sworn in last week, and according to LinkedIn was previously chief digital services officer at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Prior to taking up that role, he was a program manager and lead adviser for IT modernization at the agency.
Before moving into IT services management, Chin spent a decade in a variety of service management roles at HUD, including as director of the Post Insurance Division and as director for the Office of Financial Services.
In the new role, Chin will work to ensure the Department of Transportation sub-agency has the latest solutions to ensure it is using data in the most effective way and to guard against cyberattacks.
Last summer, a landmark Senate Committee report on federal agencies’ cybersecurity arrangements identified a range of concerns, and the Department of Transportation was awarded a D grade. The Departments of State, Education and the Social Security Administration also received a D.
In March, the Department of Transportation in collaboration with the White House launched a new data sharing pilot initiative that is intended to help ease current supply chain difficulties.
The program, which is called Freight Logistics Optimization Works (FLOW), is a proof-of-concept information exchange involving 18 entities including private trucking, warehousing and logistics companies and ports.
Earlier this year in January, a bipartisan group of senators called for further information about the processes and responsibilities of the Homeland Security and Transportation departments to detect, prevent and respond to cyberthreats to the nation’s transportation systems.