Army Major General Nick Justice, Commanding General of Aberdeen Providing Ground and the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, will retire on February 11, his office tells FedScoop.
Justice previously served as the program executive officer, command, control, and communications (tactical) at Fort Monmouth, N.J.
In November, Justice was a keynote speaker at the Red Hat Government Symposium where he discussed the value of open source within the military. He sat down with FedScoopTV following his keynote to further discuss open source.
Justice’s bio:
Major General Justice began his 40-year Army career as an enlisted Soldier. He was commissioned upon graduation from Officer Candidate School in 1977.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Maryland, a master’s degree in Institutional Management from Pepperdine University and a master’s degree in International Relations from Salve Regina College. His military education includes the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, the Senior Acquisition Course of the Armed Forces, the Adjutant General Basic and Advanced Course, Systems Automation Course, and the United States Naval War College. Before serving as Research, Development and Engineering Command commanding general, Major General Justice was the Program Executive Officer for the Program Executive Office Command, Control and Communications-Tactical at Fort Monmouth, NJ.
His experiences include significant joint service and acquisition assignments. His joint service experience includes a two-year assignment to the Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force as Chief, Project Management for Command and Control Systems. During this assignment, he participated in Operation Desert Storm as part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, he served as Commander of the Information Management Task Force in Kuwait and Iraq.
His 20 years of acquisition experience includes assignments as Project Manager, Transportation Coordinator’s Automated Information for Movement Systems and Project Manager, Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (PM FBCB2). As the PM FBCB2, Major General Justice fielded 1,100 battlefield-tested systems to Soldiers deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Major General Justice received the 2002 Army Acquisition Excellence PM of the Year Award.
He won Federal Computer Weekly’s Federal 100 Award in 2004 and 2008, as well as its Monticello Award in 2004. He was awarded the 2008 Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Award of Excellence in Information Technology. His awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, the Bronze Star Medal, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Army Commendation medal with an oak leaf cluster, the Army Achievement Medal, and the Army Staff Identification Badge. Major General Justice was inducted into the 2009 Officer Candidate School Hall of Fame at Fort Benning, Ga.