Army clarifies that it does not have a policy banning smart devices

The Army has overturned its May 20 policy, instructing soldiers and civilians either to switch off or remove all Internet of Things (IoT) devices from their home telework offices.
A service spokesperson told FedScoop that the policy had been removed for additional “staffing and review,” and that it would need to be further assessed before being officially implemented.
At the time of the initial edict last month, all Army personnel including contractors working for the service were required to follow the guidance.
“Current teleworking policy does not specifically address IoT, but employees are provided [with] tools to allow secure network access and guidance to use best practices to prevent vulnerabilities and maintain readiness in a maximum telework environment,” the spokesperson added.
IoT stands for internet of things, or devices like TVs, refrigerators and other “things” now connected to the internet and there for hackable. Many of them have functions that constantly listen to user’s voices, waiting for them to use keywords like “Hey, Google,” to prompt action.