NASA Open Government Program Manager Nick Skytland posted a “month one” update on the agency’s code.NASA open source initiative that launched in January.
“It’s clear that people are genuinely excited about the opportunity to contribute to the space program through software development,” writes Skytland. “Still, there are incredible challenges in fulfilling our open source goals. Since 2003, the agency has released more than 60 software projects under the NOSA [NASA Open Source Agreement], but many of these packages are not hosted on a public repository and are virtually inaccessible to the public. As an agency, we are just now starting to release software under other (more popular) licenses and truly embrace the potential of open source software development.”
There are now 29 open source projects hosted in the directory. Recent contributions include Apache OODT, Earth Science Datacasting, Data Productivity Toolkit and Interplanetary Overlay Network Software Distribution.