So you don’t have a Halloween costume yet?
Don’t worry, because we’re here to help. We’ve come up with a number of federal IT-related outfits you can wear tonight, although you may need to explain your costume to your friends and family that don’t speak federal-ese.
- The Cloud – Get a white garbage bag, glue cotton balls all over it and slide it over your head. Then wherever you go – to get a drink, use the bathroom, wherever – jump to the front of the line and insist “cloud first!”
- Federal Data Center – Draw what appears to be a server rack on the outside of a cardboard box and hang a “closed” sign around your neck.
- Teleworker – A work-appropriate top (guys a dress shirt, ladies a classy blouse) to trick those on the web cam and pajama bottoms and fuzzy slippers on the bottom. Spend the whole evening on the couch with your laptop.
- Challenge – Write up a bunch of mini-prizes (a pat on the back, a flattering compliment, some spare change) and “challenge” people to do tasks like bring you a Reese’s cup.
- 25-Point Plan – Make up a list of 25 things that can be done to improve Halloween. For instance, the procurement of Snickers needs to be on the same cycle as the holiday. A sale in February does you no good. For bonus points, dress like the cartoon character in the famed School House Rock “I’m Just a Bill” video to drive your point home.
- Blue Button – Dress yourself up like the Department of Veterans Affairs famed blue button. Insist that people poke your stomach – a la the Pillsbury Doughboy – and then provide them medical information about themselves: “In 2007, you sprained your ankle while chasing your dog.”
See also “Halloween at the White House” video: