GSA, Energy want smart building solutions in new request

The General Services Administration and the Department of Energy issued a request for information Monday for new technology to help improve federal building efficiencies.
The request, which is part of GSA’s Proving Ground and DOE’s High Impact Technology Innovation Catalyst programs, is focusing on renewable and smart energy systems for federal properties.
The Proving Ground program began in 2011 with the goal of identifying technologies to make federal buildings more energy efficient while reducing the government’s carbon footprint. Coupled with the HIT Catalyst program’s goal of incorporating building systems optimization, GSA officials said the GPG program has deployed nine of its 20 identified technologies and saved $7.8 million in costs.
The new solicitation seeks information for behind-the-meter technology to promote energy efficiency at federal buildings, as well as technologies that can identify when smart design buildings are functioning within energy-saving parameters.
“Technologies appropriate for measurement and verification performance studies must be either ‘pre-commercial,’ defined as technology that is not yet fully available on the open market and has a value proposition or price that is still being defined, or ‘early commercial,’ defined as technology whose value and risks are understood by specialists for some applications but the supply chain and/or full-scale production have not yet been fully established,” the RFI said.
Stakeholders have until Dec. 8 to respond.